Water, Sanitation and Hygiene
ADRA’s projects for Water, Sanitation and Hygiene are working towards Vanuatu’s National Sustainable Development Goal ECO 2.2 to “Ensure all people have reliable and safe drinking water and sanitation infrastructure”.
ADRA Vanuatu works with the Department of Water Resources (DoWR) and village Water Committees to create Drinking Water Safety and Security Plans (DWSSPs). These help to educate communities on the importance of safe drinking water and hygiene practices. They are also the first step in improving water infrastructure for the people of Vanuatu.
ADRA’s WASH projects also include working with communities in hard to reach locations like West Santo to improve their water access and sanitation. This work involves construction of infrastructure such as water tanks, pumps and toilets, along with education of good hygiene practice. In order to make systems sustainable communities are taught how to perform basic maintenance and guided on economic sustainability. It is ADRA’s goal to improve the lives of communities by making water and sanitation access easier, thereby improving health outcomes and livelihoods.